Statement Of Purpose
To (help) build a united, dynamic and vibrant Christ-centred church of missionary entrepreneurs (Clergy and Laity) committed to transforming society with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This vision for transformation which is underpinned with implementation plans and effective management strategies will be anchored on the following:
The church is called to bear witness to the world about the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord charges us; “The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few…” (Luke 10:2), Go therefore and make disciples of all nations….” (Matt 28:19). We have no option but to obey the call and pursue aggressively the church’s mandate of mission and evangelism through:
- Church planting throughout Sefwiland and beyond.
- Increased membership by at least 30% in the next 5 years. (2027)
- Anglican Church for every community (in the Diocese) with 500 people (by 2032).
- Congregational Development/Church Growth and Nurture.
- Strengthening mission and evangelism programs by engaging in use of electronic and print media (short-term and medium-term projects)
“Vital sign number one of a healthy-growing church is a pastor who is a possibility thinker and whose dynamic leadership has been used to catalyze the entire church into action for growth” (Peter Wagner). There is the need to equip and empower the Clergy, Evangelists, Catechists and other church workers to deliver excellence through, among other things, the following:
i. Training and re-training of the Clergy, Catechists, Evangelists and Office Staff
ii. Further education for clergy to have access to critical information for church growth and management.
iii. Provision of requisite tools for Clergy, Evangelists, Catechists and other lay workers.
iv. Clergy, Catechists’ and Evangelists’ welfare scheme shall be a priority. eg. Healthcare support, education grants, pension scheme, enhanced stipend and allowances etc.
v. Sunday School Teachers should undergo periodic refresher training to be able to teach the children effectively. Parish Priests and Wardens are to ensure Sunday School Teachers and children are motivated regularly.
vi. Clergy Spouses: Training workshops for capacity building and refresher courses will be organized periodically for the Clergy Spouses to enable them to function effectively as main supporters to their spouses’ ministry and to be active members of the church leadership. The Diocese/Parishes shall encourage and empower the Spouses’ Association to be financially sound to support its members and contribute meaningfully to the growth and development of the Diocese and the Internal Province of Ghana.

- INVESTMENT IN THE YOUTH AND CHILDREN – Development of an implementable youth policy. E.g Grounding in the Lord, requisite training in Mission and Evangelism; providing the needed motivation; making the A.Y.P.A/N.U.A.S the “Vanguard of Evangelism” in the church. The Sunday School Children should be groomed to accept their church and grow in the faith.
- Strong emphasis on income generating projects (IGP) and investment; proceeds from which will be used to further the mission of the church.
- Stepping up teaching on Giving and Tithing.
- Strict adherence to the church’s financial regulations and ensuring proper stewardship and accountability at all levels of the church.
- Networking for Friends, Partners, (Benefactors) for financial support from within and outside the church.
- Education and training in investment opportunities for Clergy and Laity.
- Revamping the Diocesan Credit Union (To be headed by Canon Elizabeth Jordan)
- Commitment to expedite action towards completion of ongoing diocesan projects. Eg. The U.T.O. Project.
- Upgrading of the Bodi Clinic into an ultra-modern hospital and revamping of the Boinzan and Subiri Clinics with the view to increasing patient/client attendance and thereby increasing their revenue and sustainability.
- Agriculture: engaging the services of agriculture experts (Extension Officers) for replanting of the cocoa farm at Boinzan or cutting down all the old cocoa trees and putting the whole land under rubber cultivation.
Spiritual growth is vital for every Christian believer, hence the need to take steps and adopt policies that will deepen members’ spiritually. Eg.
- Liturgical Renewal: infusing dynamism into service to make worship life contemporarily relevant and meaningful (Flexibility and Adaptability in worship style).
- Enhanced Prayer and Bible Study activities in the church (Formation of Bible Study and Prayer Groups).
- Building Prayer/Retreat Centres in every Archdeaconry by 2027
- Music: training of a Diocesan Music Director and Choirmasters.
- Need to uphold discipline at all levels of the church and the society.
Part of proceeds from I.G.Ps and investments will be used to raise the church’s visibility in the community through:
- Support for education, particularly Anglican Schools.
- Periodic healthcare support for community members e.g screening, education and sensitization, COVID-19 preventive measures etc. (through ADDRO and in collaboration with MDA’s and their Health Directorates)
- Help provide potable water for underserved communities.
- Financial support to needy but brilliant pupils and students.
- Show care and concern for the vulnerable in society eg the aged, widows, orphans and invalids.
“That they may all be one” (John 17:21, 22 & 23). We should strive at all times to be united and keep the spirit of oneness in obedience to the Lord and for our mutual benefit. The adage, “United we stand, divided we fall” should guide us in everything we do and say. Every effort should, therefore, be made towards achieving reconciliation among clergymen and among the laity at all times.
The church should also continue working towards unity and collaborative existence with people of other faith.

- CHURCH DISCIPLINE: Financial malfeasance eg. misappropriation/embezzlement of church funds by both clergy & lay leaders will attract severe sanctions. Acts of immorality…. and other acts that bring or are likely to bring the name of the church into disrepute and public ridicule shall attract the appropriate sanctions. We will never shirk our responsibility to crack the whip as and when necessary.
The twenty-first century Bishop should provide leadership whose pre-occupation would be to nurture, equip and empower both Clergy and Laity for effective ministry (John 21: 15-16). We should strive to learn our roles and apply ourselves diligently to the rules and regulations of the church, and work hard for church unity and progress.
Let us all, therefore, embrace the “Every Member in Ministry” vision to transform our Diocese and Society.
Our Success Stories
God Has Used Us To Be Blessings To Many. We thrive To Become Better And Better. Here Is Our Stats Of Successes